Wednesday, December 24, 2008

So I decided I should do something more creative with my time...not like I don't already have a full plate...

I realized a few days ago that I really miss my art work and that I should start creating again. I tend to go between projects a lot and I have several started but I always love to draw, paint ect. I have a few days off of work for the holidays and as I was sitting at my computer I grabbed and ATC sized piece of paper and began to doodle, the first time in a long time. As I put the pen to paper I just let my mind go. I didn't really have any idea of what to draw, other than it was going to be totaly random.

Along with drawing I was surfing the net. Something else to take up time while I'm off of work. I stumbled across so wonderful blogs about artwork, ATC's, and ideas for artwork and I figured, it's about time I start one, for nothing else but to get some things off my mind when I need to and to show off my artwork :)

So with my first post, here is my first finished ATC after a very long creative break...

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